Investigating a Claim

1.Send an internal memo to MCI regarding any accident facts that cannot be included on the FROI submission. Users with login name/password to the FROI portal may also submit an annotation electronically.
2. Send any internal investigation paperwork to the benefit coordinator by uploading the information through the FROI portal or emailing to [email protected].
3. Obtain a written statement from the employee regarding the accident.
4. Send all bills, medical reports, and work status forms to the MCI benefit coordinator immediately. The fastest way to get the information in our electronic file is to upload documents the FROI Portal if you are a named user or you may email documents to [email protected]. Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 1140
Richmond,VA 23218-1140
5. If there are witnesses or co-workers with relevant information, please provide their contact information to the Benefit Coordinator. This information may be added as an annotation within the FROI Portal.
6. Discuss second employer information with the employee and benefit coordinator.
7. Discuss prior medical history if applicable, i.e., was the injured worker able to perform his full duty position prior to this incident?