Medical Provider Services

Provider Gateway
Medical providers can now enroll on a secure provider site to look up bill payment status.
ACH / Direct Deposit Payment Enrollment Form
MC Innovations contracts with Sedgwick (fka York Risk Services) to provide medical bill review services to the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Human Resource Management, State Employee Office of Workers’ Compensation (DHRM). As part of our continuing efforts to efficiently process our vendor payments and in compliance of the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission E-billing regulations, Sedgwick is pleased to offer ACH (Automated Clearing House) invoice payments for all vendors and medical providers.
Advantages of ACH payments:
- More efficient
- More secure
- Environmentally friendly
Completing and submitting the enrollment form is quick and easy. You may initiate the enrollment process by completing the Enrollment Form. Notification of each ACH payment (with remittance detail) will be sent to the email address provided in the ACH Enrollment Form.
We hope you take advantage of this convenient and fast form of invoice payment. If you have any questions, please feel free to email [email protected].